Partner: Girl First Fund (GFF)
Project: Strengthening systems and girl’s leadership capacities to respond to child marriage and early unions.
Number of beneficiaries: 500
This project aims at ending child marriage in all its forms in Rubindi sub-county Mbarara District south western Uganda. This project is funded by Girl’s First Fund (GFF). YFC has empowered 100 young women and girls as community champions/activists and strengthen capacities of 30 elected women council chairpersons with knowledge and tools to respond and prevent child marriages in their communities. The 100 girls’ rights activists currently have successfully engaged in effective advocacy and girls’ leadership to increase agency among girls to change the social norms, attitudes and practices that fuel child marriages. 54 girls have been rescued from child marriages and 100 girls have been taken back to school.
- Life skills training
- Follow up child marriage cases and Rescues
- Girl leadership development
- Girl/Women Economic empowerment/Vocational skills and start ups
- Advocacy (through social media & Radio talk shows)
- Raising awareness through community dialogues
- Counselling and mediation
Partner: Children Rights and Violence Preventions Fund (CRVPF)
Project: Strengthening capacities of young women and girls to recover from COVID-19 economic shocks.
Number of beneficiaries: 600
In this project YFC is using the cluster partnership model to respond to social and economic needs of young women and girls in refugee setting in Isingiro District through a set of actions including providing comprehensive entrepreneurship and vocational skills trainings, life skills trainings, providing startup tools and materials and creating village saving and crediting associations (VSLAs) focusing on 600 high-risk/vulnerable young women and girls in kikagate sub-county refugee host communities and oruchinga refugee settlement that are in urgent need of economic recovery and rehabilitation.
- Improved knowledge and skills to practice entrepreneurship and vocational skills among 600 young women and girls in kikagate sub county/orukyinga refugee settlement by 2022
- Increased group cohesion, self-confidence, community acceptance and aspiration for a better future as a result of life skills trainings among young women and girls by 2022.
- Increased group savings and institutional financing to facilitate young women’s income generating activities and access to markets by 2022
Partner: Global fund for women
Project: Enhancing digital security skills and access to advocacy tools to counter ICT facilitated GBV against women, girls, WHRDs and activists in Mbarara City.
Number of beneficiaries: 90
Objective 1: Build collective capacities and strategies of WHRDs and Feminist Activists to resist online GBV
Activity 1.1 Increase awareness and understanding of WHRDs and feminist activists of GBV and its risks
Activity 1.2 Strengthen capacities of WHRDs and feminist activists in security plans, including digital security tools and practices as well as measures in self-care
Objective 2: Enhance resources and services to protect WHRDs, women, and girls from online GBV
Activity 2.2 Provide resources related to online GBV and tools for digital security
Activity 2.1 Provide holistic services for WHRDs, women, and girls at risk
Objective 3: Increase public support for addressing online GBV against WHRDs and Feminist Activists
Activity 3.1 Engage key stakeholders (government authorities, human rights bodies, political leaders) to respond to online GBV faced by WHRDs and Feminist Activists activity 2.2 Provide resources related to online GBV and tools for digital security
Activity 3.2 Conduct media campaigns to raise public awareness of online GBV
- Digital Security trainings of TOTs
- Video series
- Managing the toll free and the web portal
- Raising awareness and Sensitization
- Advocacy
- Tracking of perpetrators
- Legal Aid
- Psychosocial support
- Accompanying victims to report
Partner: Global Fund for Women
Project: Responding to COVID-19 effects among young women, girls and trans, intersex and gender non-conforming
Number of beneficiaries: 100
This project is offering relief support to most affected young women and girls to slow the impact/effects of COVID-19 on them. The relief support we give include food stuff, masks, personal protection equipment (hand washing kits and soap) to those who are most vulnerable to COVID crisis and sustain e-mental health support as they weather the storm. Continue to issue weekly statement on what young women and girls should do to ensure that they are safe from COVID-19 pandemic.
The project provides comprehensive entrepreneurship and vocational skills trainings to 30 individual vulnerable young women, girls, trans, intersex and gender non-conforming who have been badly affected by the crisis and go ahead to provide seed capital and start up materials/tools to be able to start income generating activities/projects of their choice or revamp already fragile businesses to overcome the economic shocks that has come with COVID-19 crisis.
We provide laptops for the most vulnerable Trans, intersex and gender non-conforming university and college students currently attempting to conduct on-line study but cannot afford these gadgets.
We have emergency fund to respond to medical/health needs of young women and girls in our network who may contract COVID-19 virus as the cost of treating COVID-19 has been hiked making it difficult for poor young women and girls to afford treatment.
- Vocational skills training
- Distribution of protective gears and food stuff
- Providing startup tools
- E-mental and counseling support
Partner: Purposeful
Project: Responding to girl’s vulnerabilities and engaging them in Generation Equality processes
Number of beneficiaries: 50
In this project, YFC provides personal protective equipments (PPE) including face masks, hand sanitizer and posters to 30 grass root girl champion/activists to engage in peer to peer child marriage and violence prevention awareness in 20 villages targeting girls at home due to COVID-19. We use advocacy video series to de-campaign on-line gender based violence to influence stakeholders to take action and conduct digital security training to girls
- Distribution of face masks & sanitizers
- Peer to peer child marriage cases prevention awareness
- Digital Security awareness
- Disseminate video series on th emerging & ongoing online violence