Ending Child Marriage/ Violence Against Women and Girls

Ending all forms of violations against women and girls

Child marriage is now widely recognized as a violation of children’s rights and a direct form of violence against girls who are often deprived of their basic rights to health, education, development and equality. In Uganda, 8.9 million girls aged 10–19 are at risk of harmful practices, including child marriage despite the legal provisions under the 1995 Constitution of Uganda and the global community’s pledge to end child marriage and other forms of violence against girls (UNFPA, UNICEF 2019).

According to OVCMIS Reports shows that on average 410 child abuses related cases are reported quarterly in Mbarara District alone. 53% being defilement/early marriages cases, 42% Child Neglect and child labor (5%). Police records on average 396 SGBV cases with physical violence contributing 62%, Sexual violence (31%), and economic violence (7%).

Our Approach

  • Girl and boy champion. YFC train girls, mentor and support girls to increase their voice and agency on ending child marriages in their communities. The trainings strengthen girls’ abilities in decision making, goal setting, communication skills, assertive ness, self-esteem building, resisting peer pressure, relationship skills and human rights.
    The community champions stay in the communities as agents of change mentors, role models and advocates in ending child marriages and continue collaborating with community leaders to prevent and respond to child marriages.
  • Stake holder engagement. YFC organize sensitization workshops for stake holders like religious leaders, elders’ government officials, health system workers and law enforcers the aim of engaging stakeholders is to secure by-ins and building a supportive and collaborative environment for girl champions in their efforts to end child marriages.
  • Media engagement. YFC raise awareness using television and radios. Local FM radios and televisions are used to raise awareness on child marriages/violence against girls and young women.
  • Community dialogues/community engagement. Youth fraternity for change support champions, community leaders to hold dialogues in their villages. The dialogues are used as advocacy and sensitization meetings on ending child marriages.
  • Sustaining income generating activities. YFC support vulnerable married and unmarried girls to benefit from economic empowerment (IGAs) to build solidarity amongst themselves and improve their lives.
  • Escorting victims to police and courts of laws for justice
  • Victim tracking and follow-up of cases.
  • Counseling to victims and survivors of violence.
  • Referral for medical and legal support.
  • Rescuing girls that have been forced to marriages and early marriages.